Ali, Lea and Whitney from ITeC had an incredible opportunity to attend a The Disability Trust event on Monday, where they were part of a powerful conversation about Employment Services and the potential for people with disabilities.

Being part of this gathering was truly an honour for our staff. Remarkable guests included Katrina Chatham, Kate Macauley, and Marta Goodwin who joined them to not only listen but also to share their insights, emphasising the paramount importance of inclusion, support, and empowerment within the workplace. With their unwavering dedication and expertise, they collectively took significant strides towards the shared goal of building a more inclusive society.

Throughout the day, the participants had the privilege of exploring a wide range of strategies aimed at enhancing employment services and fortifying support networks for individuals with disabilities. The discussions spanned topics such as customised employment, Disability Employment, Supported Employment, the Tourism Local Navigator Pilot, and IncludeAbility.

The participants left the event with a renewed commitment to championing the rights and needs of people with disabilities. Together with organisations like the Australian Human Rights Commission, Swinburne University of Technology, UOW College Australia and The Disability Trust, the group are actively working to provide more employment opportunities and foster truly inclusive workplaces. This experience has reaffirmed the belief in the power of collaboration and the potential for positive change in our community.